Town temporarily changing disinfectant to improve water safety

Southern Pines residents who live on Camp Easter Road, east of St. John Paul II Catholic School and Niagra-Carthage road will be without water next Tuesday afternoon.

The Town of Southern Pines announced the scheduled water outage for October 9 from 1 – 5 p.m.

The Southern Pines Utilities Divsion will turn the water off “in order for contractors to install a new water main that will supply the new Area 1 School along Camp Easter Road.”

“Residents in this area will experience a loss of water pressure until the water main installation is completed and system is restored. The contractor will maintain traffic control, but residents are reminded to use caution while in this area. All travelers should adjust their schedules and driving routes accordingly,” said the town.

The town apologized for the inconvenience but maintained the water outage is necessary for the utility construction. Residence who have questions are encouraged to call 910-692-1983 for more information.

To view map of water outage area, please click here.



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