Peace, justice, and property at board meeting

Aberdeen Town Board has released their work session meeting agenda for October 8, 2018.

Robert N. Page Municipal Building

6:00 p.m. 

1. Consider approval of Resolution #18-29 Supporting Approval of the .25 Cent Sales and Use Tax. (Town Manager Paul Sabiston)

2. Discussion on Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. (Parks & Recreation Director Adam Crocker)

3. Consider approval of an Ordinance Declaring a Road Closure for the Town of Aberdeen 2018 Christmas Parade. (Parks & Recreation Director Adam Crocker)

4. Schedule Public Hearing for October 22, 2018 for Conditional Zoning Request #18-05  submitted by Kirsten & Peter Ostby to assign the conditional zoning category of I-H-C to include an Indoor Athletic and Exercise Facility for 0.616 acres located at 105 E.
South Street. (Planning Director Justin Westbrook)

5. Schedule Public Hearing for October 22, 2018 for Rezoning #18-04 submitted by Habitat for Humanity of NC Sandhills to change the zoning from RA to R10-10 for 4.65 acres located south of Keyser Street and West of Pee Dee Road. (Planning Director Justin Westbrook)

6. Schedule Public Hearing for October 22, 2018 for Rezoning #18-05 submitted by Allen Brooks to change the zoning from R6-10 to O-I for 0.27 acres located at 203 Elm Street. (Planning Director Justin Westbrook)

7. Other Business.

8. Adjournment.