The Moore County Board of Education is proposing to name the new North Moore High School Science Wing after the late Charles Lambert.
Community member, Sammy Gilmore, asked Superintendent Dr. Bob Grimesey to consider naming the science wing in memory of Lambert.
The board is seeking the public’s feedback in naming the wing “Charles Richard Lambert Science Wing” and said the naming request “meets the standard for school board consideration established by policy 7550: Naming Facilities.”
The school district announced Tuesday on their Facebook page that the public may provide their feedback through October 22 on their online portal. To access online portal, please click here.
You may also provide feedback at a community forum on Tuesday, October 22 at 6 p.m. in the North Moore High School media center.
Letters may be mailed to the attention of Jenny Purvis, principal of North Moore High School.
Lambert grew up in Moore County and attended Elise High School, according to the school district. He received his teaching degree in biology and earned a Master of School Administration degree.
Lambert started his career with Moore County Schools as a Science Teacher at West End School before “serving as a principal on multiple levels” with the school district. Lambert retired in 2000 with 31 years of service. Lambert was a school board member for 16 years after his retirement.
The results of the survey will be read to the Moore County School Board on Nov. 4. If there is enough community support, Grimesey will provide his formal recommendation.
Courtesy photo of Charles Lambert.