North Carolinians are flying drones now more than ever. North Carolina laws are changing to stay up to date as a result.
N.C. House Bills 128 and 337 recently passed in July and will take effect on December 1st.
House Bill 128 now makes it illegal to fly drones within 500 feet of prisons and jails or at a vertical distance of 250 feet. There will be clearly marked signs around these buildings to remind drone users of the boundaries.
House Bill 337 revises and clarifies existing state laws that drones will now apply to model aircraft as well. Model aircraft users are still exempt from North Carolina’s permitting requirements.
House Bill 337 loosen restrictions on emergency management drones.
Emergency management agencies can now use drones for all activities related to their jobs and the Bill removes the restriction on the use of special imaging technology such as thermal and infrared systems. Private and commercial drone operators may now assist law enforcement agencies in search and rescue operations.