Board discusses renaming McDeeds Creek Elementary

The Moore County Board of Education discussed changing the name of McDeeds Creek Elementary School at its Dec. 7 work session meeting.

School Board Vice-Chair David Hensley recommended changing the name of McDeeds Creek Elementary School to honor a Medal of Honor recipient.

Private donations would be used to fund renaming the school Msgt. John Chapman Elementary and to construct a memorial. Chapman died in Afghanistan in 2002. Hensley said Chapman has local ties but did not state how.

Hensley will present the idea again during the business meeting on Monday, Dec. 12.

School Board Chair Robert Levy, who favors the name change, said a policy change would need to take place because schools cannot be named after people, and it would take two meetings to create that change.

Board discusses renaming McDeeds Creek Elementary School

This slide is from David Hensley’s presentation on the proposed name change of McDeeds Elementary School at the Dec. 7, 2022, meeting.

According to the Board’s agenda, changing the names of facilities is considered a significant endeavor, since the name of a facility can reflect upon the students, staff, school district and community.

The decision to name a school is solely the responsibility of the Board, though the superintendent may be authorized to develop a recommended process for naming newly constructed schools or existing or new facilities.

Board member Stacey Caldwell had a few concerns about renaming after a deceased soldier because there are many military families in the area with similar circumstances.

Caldwell said they needed a public forum for students and citizens to express opinions on a name change.

New board member Pauline Bruno said she fully supported the name change, and it would honor all military families.

~Article by Sandhills Sentinel Journalist Stephanie M. Sellers. Contact her at [email protected].

Photo of McDeeds Creek Elementary from the school’s Facebook page.