Cat Rescue quite literally came to a cat’s rescue. The company volunteered their services after a cat had spent six days in a tree in Cameron.
Barbara Shepherd of Animal Advocates of Moore County was contacted, and she quickly went into action making calls trying to find someone to help. She contacted tree services, fire departments, and anyone else that may of been able to help, but no one could help. The cat was 40-50 feet up in the tree, and it could be dangerous for anyone that was not properly trained.
That is where Patrick Brandt and his organization, came in. “This poor kitty, I’m calling him Cameron, was stuck in a pine tree in Cameron for six days. He was friendly, but untrusting of me, and I had to wait patiently and try many different tactics to get him down safely,” said Patrick.
Watch the dramatic footage of the rescue below.
“He wouldn’t let me get close enough to him to scruff him into the glove bag, so I used the food in the carrier trick taught to me by the Randall Kolb, the Cat Rescue Guy in Louisiana. Thanks for the idea, Randall – It worked perfectly for this skittish kitty! A huge thank you to Barbara Shepherd of Animal Advocates of Moore County for finding me, for providing a generous donation to, and for taking the cat to be fixed and find a fur-ever home,” said Patrick.
Patrick & Barbara
“Animal Advocates of Moore County would like thank Patrick Brandt of for helping us today with the cat up 40-50 ft in a tree in Cameron/Vass area the last 6 days. He and I met at 4 pm, and he got the cat down safely by 5:30. Cat is safe and resting with me tonight and will go to the good Doc Wofford at Longleaf Animal Hospital tomorrow. God Bless him,” said Shepherd.
Cameron will soon be available for adoption
It was definitively a happy ending for everyone. Many thanks to Barbara and Patrick for helping to keep animals safe.
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For more on Animal Advocates of Moore County or to make a donation click here.