There are less than two weeks until the Second Annual “Back the PAC” Auction on Saturday March 10, 2018 from 6 pm – 11:30 pm at the Fair Barn. There will be a Silent Auction, Live Auction, and Wine Raffle, along with food, beer and wine, and music with DJ Curtis King.
The Pinecrest Athletics Club, also known as the PAC, provides support and funding for all athletic teams at Pinecrest High School. Last year the auction raised over $32,000. This allowed the PAC to provide free admittance to all Pinecrest students for all athletic games at the high school. It also enabled the PAC to install a new scoreboard, repair the main marquee, create a women’s locker room at the stadium, purchase a HUDL videotaping system for all teams and establish two college scholarships.
“None of this would have been possible without the support of the the 300 parents who attended last year’s auction. The goal this year is to nearly double the amount raised and to make the “Back the PAC” Auction an event that all parents of athletes will not want to miss,” added Christa Gilder, event Co-Chair.
Gift certificates to local stores and restaurants, clothing, jewelry, vacations, sporting event tickets, private dinners and more will be offered in the silent and live auctions. Several special items will be auctioned at the event including Skybox seats and reserved seats for graduation, as well as reserved parking spots for sporting events.
Photos contributed by Pinecrest High School
Tickets are $50 each, or $400 for a table of 8, and include heavy hors d’oeurves, beer, wine and music. Tickets may be purchased at Cameron & Company in the Village of Pinehurst, Knollwood Fairways and Driving Range in Southern Pines, Pinecrest High School Front Office and FirstBank- Pinecrest Branch, or through any Pinecrest Coach, or by contacting Christ Gilder at 910-528-1437.
About the Pinecrest Athletics Booster Club (PAC):
The Pinecrest Athletics Club is a 501(c) (3), not for profit organization comprised of dedicated parents, guardians, alumni, coaches, teachers, school administrators, and community members. The Athletics Club supports ALL teams and athletes at Pinecrest High School (PHS).
They promote the interests of PHS through its athletics program by developing an organization with an active and involved membership that is concerned with the entire athletic program and all of its participants while respecting the autonomy of individual teams to achieve the inherent greatest benefit of fundraising for their specific team.
The PAC aids and assists the Pinecrest athletics program by organizing projects, fundraisers, concessions, and other special events which will promote and support PHS athletics, such as improving facilities and equipment; supplementing funding of extra needs for athletic activities, not replacing appropriated funding in the school budget; promoting school spirit by encouraging excellence, good sportsmanship and attendance at all sporting events; providing equitable support for all athletic teams at PHS especially in relation to guidance provided by the PHS Athletic Director regarding Title IX considerations; ensuring trust of the PAC by providing transparency and oversight by PHS administration; promoting and recognizing academic excellence in PHS student athletes through a scholarship program.
Christa Gilder, Back the PAC Auction Co-Chair at 910-528-1437; [email protected]