A wandering pot-bellied pig has been captured by authorities Thursday afternoon. The pig, who the community named “Pork Chop”, has been roaming the Lakeview area for about a month.

Pork Chop is currently at its new temporary home, The Moore County Animal Service. 

Authorities were unsuccessful catching Pork Chop this past month until now.

The Moore County Sheriff’s Office jokingly said in a news release, “Deputies apprehended Pork Chop, age unknown, of Lakeview, North Carolina. Pork Chop was charged with 10 counts of Flee to Elude Arrest, numerous counts of Trespassing, Loitering, and Nuisance. Pork Chop was placed in the Moore County Sheriff’s Office Animal Shelter under a 72-hour hold and given a February 3, 2018 adoption date.”

But just a few short hours after the apprehension of the pig, Aloha Zoo, located in Cameron, adopted Pork Chop.  Aloha Zoo is a family-run zoo featuring a wide array of animals, most of which have been rescued.