Quick tree removal leads to more storm service in area

Tropical Storm Debby downed a large tree in front of the Eagle Springs Fire Department on Thursday morning, making it impossible for fire trucks to leave the station to respond to storm calls. 

The tree caused damage to a bay door and building.

“We were concerned due to the size of the tree, and it was also blocking four out of five bay doors,” reported Eagle Springs Fire Department on its Facebook page.This made it impossible to get trucks out of the station. Thanks to the quick response from our 911 dispatchers, our volunteers, and the N.C. DOT within 20min the tree was cut, and a front in loader was on scene to push it out of the way.”

The fire department thanked everyone who assisted so that fire crews could be ready to serve the county in severe weather.  

“Throughout the entire storm we ran calls with the Moore County Sheriff’s Office and DOT and the assistance they offered went above and beyond,” wrote the department. “Thank you to all of the volunteers, EMS, Dispatchers, Power Companies, Moore County Public Safety, and anyone else who helped to get us and other agencies thru the storm. Moore county is a blessed county to have the emergency services that we have.”

Photos via the Eagle Springs Fire Department.

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