Moore County Schools is gathering Federal Impact Aid surveys from families of federally connected students to assist the district in recouping lost tax revenue due to the presence of tax-exempt federal property, or increased expenditures due to the enrollment of federally connected children.

Active duty military personnel, contractors or subcontractors for the federal government, civilian workers who work on federal property such as a military base or a post office, or those who live in federal housing are asked to participate.

“School districts receive funding based on the total number of federally connected students, which the Impact Aid survey is used to determine,” said Moore County Schools Military Families Liaison Rolle Sampson. “It is critical that all federally connected families participate as this funding helps us better support these families and maintain our level of services for all Moore County schools.”

Impact Aid can be used to hire additional staff, provide transportation and fund other critical educational needs. Most recently, it was used to hire a part-time military family liaison for the district to assist in addressing the needs of that unique community.

The survey completion deadline is Monday, October 30. Downloadable surveys and detailed instructions can be found online at the district website military families page at

For any questions, contact the district’s Military Family Liaison, Rollie Sampson, at 910-947-2976.

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