
Girl Scout Troop 2950 spent their Saturday morning honoring our fallen heroes. The troop placed American flags on the graves of our Veterans at Bethesda Cemetery in Aberdeen.

The American Legion Riders and Aberdeen Legion Post 72 coordinate this event each year. The Girl Scouts worked for over an hour locating graves and placing flags.

Troop Leaders Rachel Patterson and Jessica Mark led the team as they searched for and marked the graves.

“We are grateful the American Legion asked the Girl Scouts to help put flags on the graves. This really helped our 8-10 year old girls not only help the community but really understand the difference between Veteran’s and Memorial Days. It is powerful to understand that many pay the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedom,” said Patterson. 

While trying to locate the graves among the many rows, the troop realized they needed an easier way to locate grave sites.  

“Troop 2950 would like to brainstorm on how to find the graves easier by mapping the cemetery out. We had to dig under pine straw at the base of a pine tree to find a grave marker of a Veteran. The juniors in Girl Scouts must work on a service project for a minimum of 20 hours to earn the bronze award for Girl Scouts,” said Patterson.

“This will help make putting out the flags for Memorial day easier. It will also help genealogists find their family ancestors easier, and help the girls realize that cemeteries are a place of history and of many stories. The girls really enjoyed reading the tombstones yesterday,” added Patterson.

Remembering those who have sacrificed this Memorial Day.

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