Semi slams into ditch

A transport truck landed in a ditch when the driver veered onto Old River Road from Glendon-Carthage Road at 7 a.m. Aug. 4. Drizzling rain began before 6 a.m. in Carthage.

The owner of the truck said the slick, wet roads were partly to blame. The truck bobtailed, with no weight on the back end. The owner said he spent $30,000 on overhauling the motor last month and prayed it was not damaged.

The driver was not injured.

The front wheels pushed down ten-inch-wide oak trees, but the hood was unscathed from the view of the road. Overgrown, slick, wet grass covered the steep embankment, discouraging a closer inspection of the scene.

~Article and photo by Sandhills Sentinel journalist Stephanie M. Sellers; BS Mass Communications and Journalism, MFA Creative Writing.

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