The Sandhills Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMPO) held its December meeting on Wednesday. During the meeting, members addressed public concerns over traffic fatalities and ongoing infrastructure projects across the Sandhills.
Fatalities on U.S. 15-501
The meeting opened with a public comment from a concerned citizen of Aberdeen, who voiced safety concerns regarding the intersection of U.S. 15-501 and Pee Dee Road. Following a string of fatal crashes in the past two months, many Moore County residents have reached out to public officials and taken to public forums in an attempt to have the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) intervene.
Aberdeen Mayor Robert Farrell agreed with the resident and called on NCDOT to address the dangerous conditions.
“Yesterday, there was a horrific wreck. A woman was killed, leaving behind two small children,” said Farrell. “Not long before, a man was killed in a truck at the same intersection. A month before that, someone was killed at the same intersection. DOT has got to do something. We are losing citizens. People are being killed. DOT has the authority to go down there and do something.”
Other officials echoed Farrell’s concerns, with suggestions for stoplights, reduced speeds, or other safety measures to mitigate the risk.
Farrell concluded, “This is horrendous; this is unacceptable. Three deaths in a month or so, practically at the same intersection. We’re spending millions of dollars to cut down every tree in Moore County—they can do something about that intersection. The town of Aberdeen is behind this decision. Anything the DOT can do is appreciated.”
Patrick Molamphy, a representative of NCDOT, said that the department is aware of the issue and has been discussing possible solutions.
Moore County Projects
The SMPO also briefly touched on several ongoing and upcoming projects aimed at improving infrastructure in Moore County. Charts were displayed to remind members of projects to be addressed in 2025 and 2026 meetings.
Projects already underway:
* Widen N.C. 211 to multilane from Aberdeen to Raeford.
* Widen to multilane from SR 1241 to NC 73 in West End.
* Access management improvements, including Reduced Conflict Intersections on U.S. 15-501, U.S. 1, and NC 5.
Projects yet to begin:
* Widen NC 211 to multilane from U.S. 15/501 in Aberdeen to 0.4 miles north of SR 1225 (Ashemont Road).
* Widen NC 211 to multilane from 0.4 miles north of SR 1225 (Ashemont Road) to east of SR 1244 (W. Palmer Street) in Raeford.
* Convert U.S. 15-501 and N.C. 211 in Southern Pines to an interchange at SR 1205/SR 1309 (Morganton Road).
* Modernize N.C. 5 (Beulah Hill Road) from Trotter Drive to N.C. 211 in Pinehurst.
* Widen U.S. 15-501 to multilane from Pinehurst Traffic Circle to N.C. 73; realign McCaskill Road with NC 73.
* Improve U.S. 1 (Sandhills Blvd) from SR 1112 (Roseland Road) to Knight Street in Aberdeen.
* Improve U.S. 15-501 Pinehurst Traffic Circle with enhancements from Voit Gilmore Lane to Page Road.
* Rehabilitate bridge No. 44 on SR 1848 (W. Pennsylvania Avenue).
* Realign intersection and add turn lanes at N.C. 5 and SR 1205 (Morganton Road).
NCDOT Focuses on Recovery Efforts
During the meeting, Molamphy shared that NCDOT’s primary focus has been on recovery efforts in Western North Carolina following the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. The damage is estimated to cost billions of dollars over the next several years, with projects aimed at rebuilding federal and state roads.
“We’re looking at funding options and trying to do this in a manner that doesn’t disrupt the rest of the state,” explained Molamphy. “We’re trying to do it in a way that doesn’t upset the supply and demand in the state, creating inflation in other projects.”
Local Sales Tax Proposal
Officials also discussed a proposal gaining traction in Charlotte for a 1% local sales tax for transportation funding. The proposal, if adopted locally, would allow decision-makers more control over infrastructure spending. This was proposed as something for Moore County public figures to consider.
Looking Ahead
The SMPO also approved an amendment to the FY 2025 Unified Planning Work Program and began preparations for FY 2026 projects. Draft plans for FY 2026 are due to NCDOT by Jan. 31, 2025, with a public review process to follow.
Officials noted that future funding levels remain uncertain due to potential changes in the federal administration but assured attendees that project submissions would proceed as scheduled.
~Written by Sandhills Sentinel Assistant Editor Abegail Murphy. Abegail has been writing for Sandhills Sentinel since 2021.
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