The Village of Pinehurst has released their meeting agenda for Jan. 22, 2019.

4:30 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. (Pastor Rod Stone)

3. Reports:
Manager, Council

4. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda.
All items listed below are considered routine or have been discussed at length in previous meetings and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held unless requested by a member of the Village Council.
A. Approval of Draft Village Council Meeting Minutes.
January 8, 2019 Regular Meeting

B. Public Safety Reports
December Fire Report

December Police Report (1)

December Police Report (2)

C. Budget Amendments Report
End of Consent Agenda.

5. Motion to Adjourn Regular Meeting and Enter Public Hearing.

6. Public Hearing No. 1
The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comments regarding an amendment to the Annexation Agreement between the Village of Pinehurst and the Town of Southern Pines.This amendment is being generated by a request from Village Developers, Inc. for a 1.15 acre tract located on Knoll Road to be moved from the Town of Southern Pines zoning jurisdiction to the Village’s planning jurisdiction. Furthermore, the property owner plans to petition the Council for voluntary annexation of this parcel (PAR ID 00039843) in the future. The parcel that is being proposed to move from the Southern Pines side of the Annexation Agreement to the Pinehurst side of the annexation agreement is part of the development the Village Council approved by Ordinance #18-22 on September 25, 2018 as a R-15-CD Conditional District rezoning.

7. Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing and Re-Enter Regular Meeting.

8. Discuss and Consider Ordinance 19-02 to Amend the Annexation Agreement Between the Village of Pinehurst and the Town of Southern Pines.

9. Review and Approve the FY 2020 Balanced Scorecard, FY 2020 Areas of Focus, and the FY 2020-2024 Initiative Action Plans.

10. Discuss and Consider a Letter of Support for the Town of Carthage Appeal of the Laurel Ridge Subdivision to the Moore County Planning Board.

11. Discuss and Consider Resolution 19-02 Appointing a New Voting Member to the Moore County Transportation Advisory Committee

12. Discuss the Terms of a Proposed Contract with the Moore Co. Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) for Welcome Center Visitor Services.

13. Discuss and Consider Ordinance 19-03 Amending the General Fund Budget to Replace Asphalt Patching Funds in Streets and Grounds.

14. Request for Sponsorship Carolina Polocrosse Club

15. Request for Sponsorship Sandhills Motoring Festival

16. Other Business.

17. Comments from Attendees.

18. Motion to Adjourn.


Picture of Village Council Members courtesy of Pinehurst.