A Sheetz store for Southern Pines?

UPDATE: The Southern Pines Town Council approved the project, and construction of the Sheetz store is currently underway. The local businesses that were housed in the demolished building moved to different locations. American Guns and Ammo moved behind the building to 1930 N. Poplar Street. 

A Sheetz convenience store is getting closer to reality in Southern Pines. Sheetz is a family-owned company that offers fuel and made-to-order food.

At their regular business meeting on June 6, the Southern Pines Town Council heard a presentation from Tom Anastasi of Sheetz, who requested an architectural compliance permit to construct a new convenience store. The facility would occupy the corner of U.S. 1 and North Poplar Street.

The plan is to construct a one-stop shop that offers a 6,132-square-foot convenience store, restaurant, and fuel stations. The rear of the proposed Sheetz would face Trident Marketing.

Anastasi found the town council generally favorable to the idea, with some concern expressed over window dressing and the use of “so much red” in the designs.

He indicated they might begin to get the ball rolling on construction permits by September, with some construction work possibly starting by the end of the year. The landscaping installation around Sheetz will create a buffer from U.S. 1. The topic will continue at the town council meeting on June 13.

Sheetz also wants to construct a store in Carthage as well.

The Carthage Planning Board met in December 2022 to discuss a proposed Sheetz store.

The proposed location will be at the Monroe and Glendon-Carthage Road intersection adjacent to Bojangles. The site will be 6,139 square feet and will employ approximately 25 people. It will be open 24 hours.

Sheetz plans to grow to 1,000 stores by 2028, and they see Southern Pines and Carthage as growth markets and great partners. 

Feature photo: A map shows the proposed location of a Sheetz convenience store on Highway 1 and N. Poplar Street in Southern Pines. The existing structure would be demolished — photo by Town of Southern Pines. 

~Written by Sandhills Sentinel Reporter Steve Biddle with the help of Chris Prentice.