Aberdeen speeds improvements for library

The Town of Aberdeen approved the Special Capital Development Projects Ordinance, which is a plan to use surplus funds at its Aug. 8 work session.

Town Manager Paul Sabiston reviewed how to use $1,944,000 in surplus American Rescue Plan Act funds for capital projects to replace revenue lost during the pandemic.

Sabiston said people were excited about the $200,000 library fund.

“We might be spending money on that next week,” Sabiston said about the library improvements.

Funds for the library will renovate and improve the Wholesale Store building on Exchange Street to use as larger library than the current one on Poplar Street. 

A library group of representatives will meet with the town to present concept plans.

There is $350,000 earmarked for downtown sidewalks and parking, which covers the purchase of land for parking lots.

The town earmarked $244,000 for future projects to add to any ongoing project or to create a new project.

The town approved a reimbursement resolution from proceeds of tax-exempt financing.

Finance Director Butch Watson recommended the town approve using tax-exempt financing to reimburse itself to fulfill an IRS administrative requirement to claim reimbursement from any future debt financings if the Town later issues debt.

The 2022-2023 projects to be financed under the tax-exempt financing total $1,512,155.

The projects include a vehicle for the fire department, a mini excavator and dump truck for streets and beautification, and furniture for administration and windows. The financing covers equipment for public works and safety equipment for the police department.

The parks and recreation department will receive a new staff vehicle. The town will buy an asphalt recycler, complete storm water repairs and improve sanitation and recycling.

The water and sewer department will complete roof repairs and buy a range of equipment from a service truck to a lateral camera.

Feature photo: Aberdeen’s current library, Page Memorial Library, is the second oldest public library in the state which opened its doors in 1907. Photo by Town of Aberdeen.

~Article by Sandhills Sentinel Journalist Stephanie M. Sellers. Contact her at [email protected]