Moore County Board of Commissioners January 9, 2018 regular meeting highlights:
~Sitting as East Moore Water District Board of Directors – approved minutes and revised Cross
Connection Control Ordinance.
~Received FY 17 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report presentation.
~ Approved on consent agenda: minutes, tax releases/refunds, budget amendments, Moore
Buddies mentoring contract amendment, digital learning invoices for Moore County Schools,
Position Classification and Pay Plan, application to NC Housing Finance Agency for $100,000
through 2018 Urgent Repair Program, resolution authorizing upset bid process for LRK #
99000678, amendment to Health Department contract with Advanced Imaging Solutions, Inc.,
acceptance of deed of dedication for the Greens at the Arboretum, settlement agreement with
Gene Hickman, Jr.
~Approved application for NC Education Lottery funds for football field at Elise Middle School.
~ Approved Board of Education request for a lease/purchase agreement for teacher laptops.
~ Approved resolution authorizing execution and delivery of an installment financing agreement, a
deed of trust, and related documents for the new Area I K‐5 elementary school.
~ Approved contract with Fat Monkey Express for aged mulch removal.
~ Approved contract amendment with Chambers Development increasing the contract by $29,928
for acceptance of additional wastewater bio‐solids from the Water Pollution Control Plant.
~ Approved and awarded purchase of bar rake for the Water Pollution Control Plant to Aqualitec.
~ Canceled construction contract with Sandhills Contractors, Inc. for Seaboard and South Streets
water mains replacement in Vass.
~ Approved revised Cross Connection Control Ordinance.
~ Established compensation for members of the Moore County Jury Commission at $300 annually
plus mileage at the federal reimbursement rate.
~ Adopted resolution requesting action by the NC General Assembly regarding impacts of K‐3 class
size ratios.
~ Approved budget schedule.
~ Appointed Skipper Creed and Patrick Holder to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council.
~ Appointed Mike Martin as an alternate ETJ member of the Town of Southern Pines Zoning Board
of Adjustment.
~ Appointed Ashvin Patel to the Firefighters’ Relief Fund Board of Trustees for Whispering Pines.