Ritter won't run for reelection

Moore County Board of Commissioners released their February 20th meeting highlights.

~ Approved on consent agenda:  minutes, budget amendments, tax releases/refunds, FY 17‐18
Home & Community Care Block Grant revision, resolution authorizing upset bid for LRK
#00000152, dissolution of Animal Operations Advisory Board, agreement with Town of Pinebluff
Fire Department, fire service agreements with non‐municipal departments: Crains Creek, Eagle
Springs, Eastwood, Highfalls, Seven Lakes, West End, Westmoore; Radio Communication
contract amendment #2, Advanced Imaging Solutions contract amendment #2, Division of Soil &
Water Conservation agreement amendment.

~ Held a public hearing regarding bond orders, adopted school and community college bond
orders, and called for a referendum on the two bond orders.

~ Held a public hearing regarding an amendment to the Moore County Road Naming and
Addressing Ordinance and approved the same.

~ Held a public hearing regarding text amendments to the Moore County Unified Development
Ordinance and approved the same.

~ Held a public hearing regarding a general use rezoning request and approved the general use
rezoning from Highway Commercial (B‐2) to Residential and Agricultural – 40 (RA‐40).

~ Reappointed Priscilla Beck and Barbara Brazer to the Nursing/Adult Care Home Community
Advisory Committee.

~ Reappointed Mike Rowland to the Voluntary Agricultural District Board.

~ Appointed Frank Dean and reappointed Susan Adams to the Board of Equalization and Review,
appointed Bruce Yarrington as an alternate, and appointed Jerry Daeke as Chairman for the
2018‐2019 session.