Cameron Mayor Jim Leiby resigned at the regular board meeting March 22 after months of “nasty” emails.
Leiby shared images of the emails sent by Mayor Pro Tempore Ginger Bauerband. The images were on a large overhead monitor.
In the emails, Bauerband emboldened font, capitalized sentences and wrote insults and accusations about the mayor not caring about Cameron, and she punctuated with repeated exclamation points. She said she stands behind her emails.
“That’s me shouting at you in email,” Bauerband said.
Leiby said the emails began after he disagreed with Bauerband about the purchase of expensive Christmas lights for the town.
The emails increased after a police officer was not hired because he created a TikTok video while on the job as an officer in Montgomery County.
Bauerband said Leiby had a closed meeting with the proposed police officer and Commissioner David Seiberling. She said the meeting was not the correct procedure, and the entire board should have been present.
Commissioner Kane Parsons said there were communication problems when Leiby did not send everyone emails.
Bauerband said Leiby repeatedly left her out of emails, was intentionally leaving her out and that he was incompetent.
Leiby said he had been sick and hospitalized over the last two months and did not want to deal with the behavior any longer. He asked for ideas. When no ideas were offered, he said the board could fire him.
Bauerband said she preferred he left after the meeting.
Leiby said Bauerband wanted to be mayor.
A motion was made by Commissioner Joey Frutchey for Leiby to resign, and the only opposition was Seiberling.
The board will discuss the vacant mayor’s seat at a later date.
Feature photo: Former Cameron Mayor Jim Leiby. Photo courtesy of Town of Cameron.
~Written by Sandhills Sentinel Journalist Stephanie M. Sellers. Contact her at [email protected].