An Man from Eagle Springs was arrested on drug charges Tuesday after deputies searched his home.

George Alan Kaye, Jr., 19, of the 100 block of Pa Jim Lane was placed in the Moore County Detention Center under a $25,000 unsecured bond.  Moore County Deputies obtained a search warrant and seized 236 grams of marijuana, 12 marijuana plants and assorted drug paraphernalia. The total street value of the seized drugs is approximately $2,520, according to a news release from The Moore County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies seized $2,520 worth of marijuana from Kaye after searching his home.

Deputies charged Kaye with possession with intent to sell and deliver a schedule VI controlled-substance, felony possession of a schedule VI controlled-substance, manufacturing a schedule VI controlled-substance, maintaining a vehicle/ dwelling for the storage of a controlled-substance and possession of marijuana drug paraphernalia.

Kaye is schedule to appear in court on April 10th, according to arrest records.

All defendants facing criminal charges are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.