A home was destroyed by fire Thursday in Aberdeen. The home is located in the 800 block of Midway Road. The blaze was reported at 7:40 p.m. as a fire in the area of the kitchen and that all occupants of the home had safely evacuated.
Aberdeen units were initially stopped by a train on the tracks blocking Midway Road. The firetrucks and ambulance had to reroute to Saunders Boulevard to reach the home.
The first fire crews that arrived on the scene reported heavy smoke from the backside of the residence. The fire spread into the attic of the home causing significant damage. Duke Progress was dispatched to cut the power to the home while fire crews worked.
The American Red Cross was on the scene and is assisting the family.Â
Responding to the scene were Aberdeen Fire & Rescue, Southern Pines Fire & Rescue, Pinehurst Fire & Rescue, Pinebluff Fire Department, Fort Bragg Station 8, Moore County EMS, Moore County Public Safety, American Red Cross, and Aberdeen Police Department.
~Article and photos by Sandhills Sentinel Publisher B.J. Goodridge.