RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper on Saturday ordered all schools in the state to close for at least two weeks, joining other states around the country switching to online learning as the coronavirus spreads.

Moore County Schools made a statement in response to Gov. Cooper’s executive order.

“Over the last week, district administration has been preparing in the event of a closure of schools, including lesson plan development and working with local organizations to provide services to our students in the event of a school closure,” said Moore County Schools. “Tomorrow, administrators will meet to activate what we refer to as a continuity of learning plan as well as coordinate next steps to ensure all the needs of our students are being met with the help of community organizations.”

Cooper said he is also issuing an executive order banning all gatherings of more than 100 people. Cooper had already strongly discouraged large gatherings but said several venues continued their events. The governor’s order makes it mandatory.

North Carolina joins more than half a dozen other states in ordering statewide school closures including Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Illinois and Washington state as officials try to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Article written with the help of The Associated Press.

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