Recognized 2017 County Government Internship Program participants
Proclaimed September as National Recovery Month
Received report on 2017 session of Board of Equalization and Review
Received update on improvements to Aberdeen Primary School
Approved on consent agenda: minutes, budget amendments, digital learning invoices for
Moore County Schools, County facilities expansion capital project ordinance revision #7, tax
Called a public hearing on September 5, 2017, regarding text amendments to the Unified
Development Ordinance
Called a public hearing on September 5, 2017, regarding a conditional use permit request for a
bed and breakfast
Approved the addition of two on‐call social work investigative/assessment/treatment positions
for the Department of Social Services
Adopted resolution authorizing the County Manager to serve as the primary designated agent
for execution of FEMA documents related to the mitigation of Hurricane Matthew
Approved purchase contract with Northwestern Emergency Vehicle
Approved contract with Mid‐East Railroad Service for the construction of sanitary sewer
facilities with the Alma Street development in Vass
Approved amendment to contract with Hibbert Enterprises for easement clearing
Approved contract with Instrumentation Services for the Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for six wells