Kids fly free at Moore County Airport on May 4

Planes could be heard and seen flying all around Moore County skies Saturday during the Young Eagles Program held at the Moore County Airport.

The Young Eagles Program and the Experimental Aircraft Association partnered for a wonderful day of flight for kids. The Young Eagles Program, founded in 1992, has dedicated 25 years to giving youth (ages 8-17) a chance to fly in an airplane.

On Saturday, their was no better example of this wonderful program. There were pilots and planes galore. A huge thanks to all the pilots that volunteered their Saturday to take these kids on an introductory flight around Moore County. For the siblings too young to fly, there were bouncy houses and other activities. At noon there was even a parachute demonstration.


Pilot, Mike Jones & Young Eagles Flier, Trinity Ware

Jackson Locklear was one of the kids that flew Saturday.

“It was great. It was so less scary than I thought it was going to be,” said Locklear.  “I loved it. I definitely want to do it again.”

We had the please of taking a ride with Pilot, Mike Jones, and had a chance to ask him why he volunteers year after year.

“We do it because we love to fly and we want to share that passion with the kids. But even more, flying is a great career,” said Jones. “We want to show these kids that you can have a career in this. You can be pilots, flight attendants, engineers, weather forecasters, mechanics, and a million other flying jobs. It is just a wonderful field to be a part of.”

Kudos to all the pilots, sponsors, and volunteers. Each year this event grows by leap and bounds. We hope to see you next year.

Feature Photo: Victoria Smith, a Young Eagles Flier