Four Pinehurst firefighters received a departmental commendation at the May 23, 2017 Village Council meeting for their involvement in successful Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) calls.  Following established EMS standards that are approved by the EMS System Medical Director, a successful CPR incident results in the patient being discharged from the hospital after the event.  Moore County EMS verifies the status of patients and recognizes responding agencies annually.

The department was recognized at the May 16 County Commissioners meeting, and Fire Chief Carlton Cole presented his staff with the certificate of commendation and awarded them the department’s lifesaving ribbon at the village council meeting.

Those being recognized include:

Call for Service 11/9/16:

Captain Steve Cox

Firefighter Bonnie MacDonald

Firefighter Austin Majors

Master Firefighter Ethan Owens


Call for Service 1/30/17 :

Captain Steve Cox

Firefighter Bonnie MacDonald

Master Firefighter Ethan Owens


*photo courtesy of Village of Pinehurst