
The Kiwanis Club of Seven Lakes installed new officers for 2018-19.  Sam Gaskins, Lt. Governor, Carolinas District, Division 10 installed Bill Pratt, president, George Norman, president-elect, Jerry Sink, past president and secretary, Kathy Kirst, treasure.

Gaskins also recognized incoming and returning board members Ron McGaughey, Terry Riddle and Bud Darragh.

Kiwanis Club of Seven Lakes awarded Bill Pratt the Kiwanian of the Year for 2017 – 2018. 


Kiwanis Club of Seven Lakes new president, Bill Pratt

Outgoing President Jerry Sink, recognized with Certificate of Appreciations Carolyn Sink for facilitating Strategic Plan Development training and Jim Boyd for Human & Spiritual Values leadership.

The Kiwanis Club of Seven Lakes meets each Tuesday at 12:00 Noon (11:30 am optional lunch) in the Chapel of the Pines Fellowship Hall in Seven Lakes, NC. 

Everyone is welcome to join them. Visit their website for upcoming meetings and events.