The North Carolina Public Health Association (NCPHA) has awarded Torrie Furr, Social Work Supervisor for the Moore County Health Department, the Outstanding Achievement in Public Health Social Work Award for 2017.

The Outstanding Achievement Award has been in place since 1987 and is given to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the field of social work in public health.

During Torrie’s tenure with the Moore County Health Department, she has developed policies and procedures, recruited, trained, and led by superior leadership skills and personal example, an outstanding staff with an enviable record.

Torrie was responsible for the development of Moore County’s managed care program, now known as Care Coordination 4 Children (CC4C) and Pregnancy Care Management. Torrie has worked effectively with Community Care of the Sandhills to achieve and maintain above average state benchmarks with the CC4C and Pregnancy Care Management Programs. Working with local medical providers and other community agencies, she and her staff have immeasurably improved the health and quality of life for the women and children they serve. Under Torrie’s leadership, the Moore County Health Department has become an example to other counties for implementation of Pregnancy Care Management and CC4C programs. 

Torrie is responsible, on average, for approximately $300,000 in carry forward balance for her program even though there have been cuts to Medicaid funding. Her program has not been, and is not, supplemented with any local tax dollars.

Torrie was an Incident Commander for the Health Department’s paper medical record purging project. To date, this project has resulted in the purging of over 44,908 paper records that will not require scanning into the Department’s electronic medical record system. Due in large part to Torrie’s diligence, the Health Department will soon no longer be dependent on paper medical records.

Torrie not only manages highly successful programs, but she has also taken leadership roles at the Health Department that benefit all the patients that the Health Department serves.