Village Council Summary of September 12th meeting
• Council approved Ordinance 17-12 amending the Official Pinehurst Zoning Map as it pertains to the rezoning of certain land located between 224 Foxfire Road and 376 Foxfire Road and this ordinance does not include the condition 7 regulating irrigation wells within the subdivision. And, that the proposed amendments to the Pinehurst Development Ordinance are consistent with the goals outlined in the 2010 Comprehensive Long Range Plan and are considered reasonable and in the best interest of the public as referenced in the memorandum dated August 3, 2017 from Bruce Gould, Principal Planner. Council held a discussion about this and determined to proceed with a vote approving this by 4-1.
• Council held a discussion about the first floor occupancy in the Village Center and asked the Planning and Zoning Board to take a look at updating these regulations.
• Council Discussed the Land Use Planning Workshop and Long Range Planning and determined for staff to proceed with Option C, to prepare a Comprehensive Plan, where one element is a land use component over a span of 18 months.
• John Frye, Director of Financial Services, presented the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2017.
• Council unanimously approved to authorize the Mayor or her designee to execute the contract with Sandhills Services to provide cleaning services for the Fair Barn by a vote of 5-0.
• Council held a discussion about TARPO/NCDOT pedestrian projects and formed a consensus to support these projects in the future.
• Council approved Resolution 17-24 amending the Pinehurst Appearance Committee to no longer have an established PAC, or an Outreach, Sustainability, or Advisory subcommittee and that the Beautification Committee will remain as a separate standing committee by a vote of 5-0.