
The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to widen N.C. 211 to a four lane highway between Aberdeen and Raeford to reduce traffic congestion, travel delays and correct roadway deficiencies.

Construction to improve the 15.4 miles between U.S. 15/501 in Aberdeen and east of West Palmer Street/Mockingbird Hill Road in Hoke County is projected to begin summer of 2022.

NCDOT is holding two public meetings for citizens to learn about the construction project.

The two meetings will be held to present the same information:

Tuesday, July 23, 4-7 p.m., at West Hoke Middle School-Gymnasium, located at 200 N.C. 211 West, Raeford.

Thursday, July 25, 4-7 p.m., at Aberdeen Elementary School-Cafeteria, located at 503 N. Sandhills Blvd., Aberdeen.

The public will have a chance to view maps of the proposed plans and have project team members answer questions. NCDOT said there will be no formal presentation and public comments will be taken into consideration. Attendees may also submit written comments or the public may comment by phone or email by Aug. 12.

Traffic on N.C. 211 is expected to increase by more than 60 percent in the future.

“In 2015, traffic volumes along N.C. 211 ranged from 4,200 vehicles per day (vpd) to 13,600 vpd,” said NCDOT.  “In 2040, traffic volumes are projected to increase more than 60 percent, ranging from 6,900 vpd to 22,300 vpd.  By 2040, almost all segments of N.C. 211 in the study area will exceed the roadway’s capacity during peak travel time.  Without improvements, congestion will continue to grow and lead to increased travel delays.”

The $152 million project is expected to reduce accidents and fatalities.

“During a five-year analysis period, 451 crashes were reported along this section of N.C. 211,” according to NCDOT.  “The total and fatal crash rates along N.C. 211 are higher than the statewide crash rate for similar facilities. Safety concerns are associated with traffic congestion and limited sight distance.”

The current two lane road will widen into a four lane super-street divided by a grass median.

A super-street “is used around the state to improve safety by redirecting traffic from the side streets and driveways to turn right,” said NCDOT. “A motorist desiring to cross the road or go in the opposite direction will take a U-turn at designated areas. The design is safer because it reduces the opportunities for vehicles crossing several lanes of traffic to collide with other vehicles. The design also will reduce delays on N.C. 211 during peak travel time and accommodate expected growth in traffic.”

The speed limit will stay the same.

As information becomes available, it may be viewed at the project webpage:

For additional information please contact NCDOT Project Manager Elmo Vance at (919) 707-6048 or 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C., 27699 or [email protected].


Map courtesy of NCDOT.