Two familiar faces to faculty, staff, and students at Sandhills Community College will step into new roles in the new year as leaders for various academic disciplines. Dr. Maulin “Chris” Herring has been named Dean of Transfer & Comprehensive Programs, and Ed Spitler has been named Dean of Workforce & Applied Programs. Their appointments are a result of an inclusive search and interviewing process to specifically impact the new integrated strategic plan of the college.
“Together, Dr. Herring and Mr. Spitler will offer complementary skills that will foster collaboration across programs and departments, strengthening the new One College model,” said Sandhills Community College President Sandy Stewart in a news advisory. “By working closely with Dr. Rebecca Roush, Provost & Chief Academic Officer, and Michelle Bauer, Vice Provost, they will lead the alignment of our programs under career communities and clusters, which is critical to achieving our goal of a unified, student-centered campus community.”
In alignment with the One College model, attention will be focused on ensuring that every institutional decision or action affecting students takes into account the needs of students across all programs, creating a seamless transition from program completion to an associate degree for students earning valuable credentials. Strong coordination and collaboration between credit and credential-based programs, including joint leadership and program alignment to ensure effective support, will also be established. Learning in industry-focused programs will be recognized for credit, creating a direct pathway to an associate degree.
Herring brings a wealth of experience that will greatly benefit the transfer and comprehensive programs, said the release. His background also offers strong connections to the workforce and applied programs, further enhancing Sandhills Community College’s integrated approach to education. He has nearly 15 years of experience in law enforcement/public safety experience and more than 15 years of experience in higher education experience. He currently serves as the Social and Behavioral Science Department Chair at Sandhills Community College and previously served as the Executive Director of Institute for Homeland Security and Workforce Development at North Carolina Central University. Herring earned master’s degrees in public administration, sociology, human services and divinity. In addition, he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree.
Spitler has a rich history with Sandhills, and his extensive experience will be invaluable in his new role, said the release. He will further enhance the quality and impact of the workforce and applied programs. During his more than 25-year tenure at Sandhills, he has helped secure a $1 million gift for the Student Success Center, implemented four new programs, aligned 15 programs, and introduced strategic initiatives that have expanded program offerings while increasing enrollment and retention. He holds a master’s degree in Geospatial Information Science and Technology from North Carolina State University.
The complete transition into these positions will officially occur in January.
Feature photo: Dr. Chris Herring (left) and Ed Spitler.
Contributed article and photos.