Village council appoints new member

Pinehurst Village Council Meeting Agenda for December 12th

Assembly Hall, 395 Magnolia Road, Pinehurst

4:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Reports:


4. Presentation of resolutions honoring the appointed members of the Pinehurst Appearance Committee.

5. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda.
All items listed below are considered routine or have been discussed at length in previous meetings and will
be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held unless requested by a member of the
Village Council.

A. Consider resolutions honoring former Councilmember Claire Berggren and Councilmember Clark Campbell for their service on the Pinehurst Village Council.

B. Budget Amendments Report

C. Public Safety Reports.
Police Department
Fire Department

D. Approval of Draft Village Council Meeting Minutes.
November 14
November 30
End of Consent Agenda.

6. Motion to Recess the Regular Meeting and Enter into a Public Hearing.

7. Public Hearing No. 1
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an Official Zoning Map Amendment. This map amendment would rezone one parcel of land consisting of approximately 10 acres. This property is located at Murdocksville Rd. and Centennial Blvd. This property is further defined as being a portion of Moore
County PID # 2000657. The property is currently zoned R-30 (Medium Density Residential). This proposed map amendment would change the zoning of the property to OP-CD (Office and Professional- Conditional District). The property is currently vacant. The proposed use of the property is a ± 36,000 sq. ft. office and research and development facility for Golf Pride corporate headquarters. The applicant is Dick Higginbotham and the owner is Pinehurst, Inc.

8. Public Hearing No. 2
The purpose of the public hearing is to hear and receive comment on the proposed Re-adoption of the Pinehurst Development Ordinance. This document will replace the existing Pinehurst Development Ordinance. The Pinehurst Development Ordinance will apply to all properties within the village limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The intent of the re-adoption is to codify the existing ordinance in preparation to place the document on the American Legal website and to amend the document based on changes to State Law.

9. Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing and Re-Enter Regular Meeting.

10. Discuss and consider Ordinance 17-19 amending the Official Zoning Map for the Village of Pinehurst (Golf Pride).

11. Discuss and consider Ordinance 17-20 for the Re-adoption of the Pinehurst Development Ordinance for the Village of Pinehurst.

12. Approve a Contract to provide Architectural Design Services for the Community Center.

13. Manager’s quarterly transportation report for the Village of Pinehurst.

14. Consider road dedication by Planet Development (Buckingham Place/Victoria Way).

15. Discuss and consider adopting the Triangle J COG Tri-Cities Work Group Charter.

16. Discuss and consider adopting the 2018 Village Council Meeting Schedule.

17. Other Business.

18. Comments from Attendees.

19. Motion to Adjourn.