The Village Council has released their August 14 meeting agenda.
Assembly Hall, 395 Magnolia Road.
4:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Reports:
4. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda.
All items listed below are considered routine or have been discussed at length in previous meetings and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held unless requested by a member of the Village Council.
A. Public Safety Reports.
Police Department
Fire Department
B. Approval of Draft Village Council Meeting Minutes.
July 24 Regular Meeting
July 24 Work Session
End of Consent Agenda.
5. Motion to Recess Regular Meeting and Enter Into a Public Hearing.
6. Public Hearing No. 1
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider Official Text Amendments to the Pinehurst Development Ordinance. Specifically, Section (Requirements for Planted Buffers: Application) to add the OP & NC Zoning Districts so that the Village Council will have the ability to waive some or all of the buffer requirements in the OP and NC districts as well as the VC, VMU, VCP and VR districts. The applicant is Vincent Wade.
7. Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing and Re-Enter Regular Meeting.
8. Discuss and consider Ordinance 18-18 amending the Pinehurst Development Ordinance for Requirements for Planted Buffers.
9. Update on the Status of the FY 2018 Strategic Operating Plan Implementation.
10. Discuss and consider changes to the Position Classification and Pay Plan.
11. Other Business.
12. Comments from Attendees.
13. Motion to Adjourn.
Immediately following the regular meeting:
1. Call to Order.
After Consent
2. Discuss August 29th Visioning Sessions for Comprehensive Plan.
3. Harness Track Marketing Update.
4. Discuss NCDOT historic sign rules.
5. Discuss short term rentals.