Village seeking board volunteers

The Village of Pinehurst is accepting volunteer applications for the board of adjustment and planning and zoning board. These boards consist of the same nine council-appointed members and hold monthly meetings.

Board of Adjustment Overview:

The board of adjustment (BOA) hears and decides applications of variances from the terms of the Pinehurst Development Ordinance (PDO). They also hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, permit, decision, or determination issued or made by an administrative officer of the village in enforcing any provision of the PDO.

Planning and Zoning Board Overview:

The planning and zoning board (P&Z) reviews all amendments to the Pinehurst Development Ordinance, all proposed rezoning of property under the Pinehurst Development Ordinance, all proposed master land use plans for planned developments, all proposed major preliminary plats of subdivision, and all proposed major site plans, and make recommendations to the village council for final action.

The Village of Pinehurst is also accepting volunteer applications for the historic preservation commission (HPC) for a future vacancy.

The HPC is a volunteer board made up of seven volunteers who are full-time residents of Pinehurst or its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Volunteers on the HPC are appointed by the Pinehurst Village Council for two-year terms. The purpose of the HPC is to review applications for Certificates of Appropriateness on new construction or major work in the Historic District. The HPC’s mission is to preserve and approve that which is congruent with the special character of the historic district.

The commission also plays a significant role in recommending historic guidelines to the village council. The guidelines provide the HPC and village staff with tools for assessing whether a proposed change, addition, new construction, or demolition in the Pinehurst Historic District will be congruous with the special character of the historic district.

Individuals interested in volunteering should complete an application at Questions can be directed to village clerk, Kelly Chance, at 910-420-1631 or [email protected].

Feature photo by Sandhills Sentinel Photographer John Patota.
