Peace, justice, and property at board meeting

Aberdeen Town Board released their work session November 13, 2018  meeting highlights.

– Approved an Ordinance Declaring Road Closures for the Town of Aberdeen 2018 Reindeer Fun Run.

– Received information from representatives with the Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills about the status of the program in Aberdeen. Representatives with the Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills indicated their desire to work with the Town of Aberdeen on serving more children in the Aberdeen school system and their need for space to run the program.

– Received information from the Friends of the Aberdeen Library about their recent purchase of property located at 105 N. Pine Street. Betsy Mofield informed the Board that the Friends of the Aberdeen Library will seek grants for funding of the library facility and also continue to accept donations.

– Received information from Town staff and the Historic Preservation Commission members regarding purchase of plaques for properties within Aberdeen’s Historic District. Examples of plaques were presented along with a phased approach to replacing signs. The Board members directed staff to obtain pricing for the selected plaque, and also communicate with property owners in Aberdeen’s Historic District to see what the interest level would be in a 50/50 shared cost for these plaques.

– Approved the Contract with ADW for the design services for the Police Facility at a cost of $257,600 and authorize the Town Manager to execute the contract.

– Approved the Contract for the Construction of the Apparatus Bay at Station 2 for the Fire Department at a cost of $140,686.24, which includes all the needed factors to  have a rated complete building. FEMA grant dollars to be used for $121,686.24, and the remaining amount to be paid with budgeted dollars identified by Chief Richardson.

– Approved a change in the Sanitation Schedule effective January 1, 2019 to create a new Wednesday route for the subdivisions of Sandy Springs, Legacy Lakes and Park Meadow in order to create efficiency within the department. The residents affected by this change will be notified of the change via door hangers and information will also be posted on the Town website and social media once available.

– Approved the award for the Aberdeen Lake Dam Project Phase II to In-Water Services Company, Inc. for a base bid of $110,000.

– Scheduled a Public Hearing for December 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. for UDO Text Amendment #18-14 and an Amendment to the Code of Ordinances for Various Sections of the UDO to include the addition of the Downtown Aberdeen Advisory Board and incorporate changes to the Open Space, Streets and Utility Sections.