The Town of Aberdeen has released their Town Board agenda.
Robert N. Page Municipal Building, Monday, 6:00 p.m. Aberdeen.
1. Call to Order
a. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Setting of the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
All items listed below are considered routine or have been discussed at length in previous meetings and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on request by a member of the Board of Commissioners. a. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting on April 23, 2018, Closed Session on April 23, 2018, Special Called Meeting on May 29, 2018, Regular Board Meeting on May 29, 2018, Closed Session on May 29, 2018, and Work Session on June 11,
2018. b. Consider action on Year-end Budget Amendments for FY 2017-2018.
4. Informal Discussion and Public Comment
a. Recognition from the Police Department. (Police Chief Tim Wenzel)
5. Financial Report / Manager’s Report (Town Manager Paul Sabiston)
6. Public Hearings and New Business
a. Voluntary Contiguous Annexation #49-118 submitted by Columbus Aberdeen, LLC for four parcels plus a portion of a fifth parcel (total of 5.76 acres) located west of South Hill Rd., north of Johnson St. and at the terminus of Columbus Dr. The parcels are identified in the Moore County Tax Registry as PID 20080299, 20071176, 00048506, 00046061, and a portion of 20150450.
(1) Public Hearing for Annexation #49-118 (2) Consider action on Annexation Ordinance #49-118 b. Consider action on Rezoning Request RZ #18-02 submitted by Columbus Aberdeen, LLC to change the zoning of six parcels totaling 9.4 acres located west of South Hill Road and North of Johnson Street from R20-16 to General Commercial. (Planning Director Kathy Blake) c. Conditional Use Permit #18-03 submitted by Columbus Aberdeen, LLC for a hotel use on four parcels totaling 4.85 acres located near the intersection of Johnson Street and South Hill Road. (Planning Director Kathy Blake) (1) Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit #18-03
(2) Consider action on Conditional Use Permit #18-03 d. Conditional Use Permit #18-04 submitted by Southern Pines Gaines for a retail sales use with high volume traffic on 62.6 acres located at 3140 NC Highway 5. (Planning Director Kathy Blake) (1) Continued Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit #18-04 (2) Consider action on Conditional Use Permit #18-04 e. Conditional Use Permit #18-05 submitted by Morgan Tool & Die, LLC for property located at 3140 NC Highway 5, Suite B-1. The conditional use request is for manufacturing in the C-I District. (Planning Director Kathy Blake) (1) Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit #18-05 (2) Consider action on Conditional Use Permit #18-05 f. UDO Text Amendment #18-12 Regarding Regulation of Food Trucks. (Planning Director Kathy Blake) (1) Public Hearing for UDO Text Amendment #18-12 (2) Consider action on UDO Text Amendment #18-12 g. UDO Text Amendment #18-13 Regarding Board of Adjustment Alternate Members. (Planning Director Kathy Blake) (1) Public Hearing for UDO Text Amendment #18-13
(2) Consider action on UDO Text Amendment #18-13 h. Consider action on Exchange of Property between Aberdeen Rockfish Railroad (Parcel ID #45994) and the Town of Aberdeen (Parcel ID #46009). (Town Manager Paul Sabiston)
7. Other Business
a. Discussion on Carpet Purchase for Town Hall. (Town Manager Paul Sabiston)
8. Closed Session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11 (a)(6) to discuss a personnel matter.
9. Adjournment