Ritter won't run for reelection

Moore County Board of Commissioners released their March 6th regular meeting highlights.

~ Recognized newest Dog Tags class members

~Received Moore County Schools annual expenditures report

~ Received presentation on utility rate studies for Moore County Public Utilities and Water
Pollution Control Plant

~ Received presentation regarding draft letter of conditions for Vass Phase 2 wastewater
collection system expansion

~ Received quarterly financial report for Sandhills Center for Mental Health/Developmental
Disabilities/Substance Abuse Services

~ Approved on consent agenda:  minutes, budget amendments, retail malt beverage and fortified
wine licenses, financial advisory services installment financing agreement, Youth Services
application for JCPC grant, proclamation in support of Marsy’s Law, deed of dedication for Alma
St. development in Vass

~ Approved the addition of two MCTS driver positions, increasing total FTEs by 2 positions

~Approved contract for I‐CON water system