Moore County Recreation Center taking shape

The Moore County Recreation Center is taking shape. Located at the entrance to Hillcrest Park, on Highway 22 where it meets Highway 15/501 in Carthage, the recreation center will be a large gymnasium with multi-function rooms and the future offices of the Parks and Recreation Department.

Moore County Manager Wayne Vest said that mandatory COVID-19 construction practices have delayed progress on the building.

The new facility will be a 22,000 square feet sports complex which will include two gymnasiums, concession area, and a 100 seat conference room for classes.

Video via Moore County.

The construction started in September. The cost of the contract is $5.5 million.

Commissioner Louis Gregory in the July Moore County Commissioners meeting pointed out that this was a Moore County park for all who are in Moore County.

“It is something we should be proud of and will be something that future generations can be proud of,” he added.

The Moore County Recreation Center is taking shape in Carthage

Juan Jose applies the last bit of glazing to the outside windows at the Moore County Recreation Center. The facility is scheduled to be completed later this year or early 2021.

Former Moore County Board of Commissioner Larry Caldwell addressed the board in July on the sports complex.

He stated that we are standing on the shoulders of giants and are fortunate for the support that the public has given the facility project, currently over $650,000 in private money for the new construction.

According to Vest, the building is scheduled to be completed late this year or early next year. 

Written by Sandhills Sentinel Reporters John Patota and Chris Prentice. Photos by John Patota.