The Moore County Veterans Service Office in Carthage continues to serve Moore County veterans despite the pandemic shutdown. Although the office is not open to the public, staff is working to file new claims, assist veterans with pending claims, veteran automobile license plates, property tax exemption forms and other needed services.
Jim Pedersen, Veterans Service Office director, outlined several services available to assist veterans during the office closure.
The Veterans Service Office now has a drop-box to collect medical records and other documentation needed for their VA claims. The secure, locked box is located in front of the office in the Agricultural Center at 707 Pinehurst Ave., Carthage. Veterans are asked to drop their documents off Monday through Friday only. Staff empties the box each day. For items other than medical records, please do not leave originals and be sure to include the veteran’s name and a phone number with all documents. Veterans who drop off documents are asked to call the office and notify staff that they have done so.
Family members and friends who are concerned that their veteran loved one needs assistance with accessing appropriate services at their local VA or in their community may call the Coaching Into Care national telephone service at 888-823-7458. Counselors educate, support and empower family members and friends who are seeking care for a veteran. They also provide families with assistance in motivating the veteran to seek treatment, provide information about mental health and other VA services, and give tips on how to begin the conversation about treatment. Pedersen said this is especially important now, when veterans may be feeling the stress of the month-long shutdown and may feel disconnected from their doctors and other healthcare providers. Coaching Into Care does not provide emergency crisis or suicide prevention services.
Veterans who are having thoughts of suicide are urged to call the Suicide Hotline Number at 800-273-8255 and select option 1 to get immediate assistance.
Veterans may still make appointments to speak to one of the county’s three accredited Veterans Service Officers. Currently, all appointments are conducted via telephone. To schedule an appointment or to speak to a Veterans Service Officer about an existing claim, veterans are asked to call the office at 910-947-3257 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Additionally, updates are provided frequently on facebook and through the office website,
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