Police warn of scam that threatens to leak sensitive photos, information

The Village of Pinehurst provided the fiscal year 2024 end-of-year summary reports of the Pinehurst Police Department.

Police Chief Glen Webb prepared the report, which was scheduled for presentation to the council on July 23.



The following information is also from the Village of Pinehurst.


For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, crime has remained low. We saw decreases in Theft from Motor Vehicles, Violent Crime, as well as Vehicle Breaking and Entering. Fraud is still a concern as our population is often the target of scams. What we see are not scams that require interaction with our citizens which makes them nearly impossible to stop on our end because they aren’t behavior-related. Most are discovered after the fact and are products of international networks, for example, data breaches that result in new accounts being open.

We have continued using Power Engage (for customer satisfaction rating) which sends text messages to callers who request police services. Our response rate for FY2024 is 46% with a 93% positivity rate. Normally in surveys, people who have a negative experience are more motivated to respond. This rating is a testament to the performance of our officers and their commitment to our core values of Service, Initiative, Teamwork, and Improvement. The department continues to seek Accreditation through the North Carolina Education, Training, and Standards Division. This pursuit will continue into FY25.


During this FY, each officer, in addition to their normal duties, completed state-mandated training in the following subjects: Subject Control and Arrest, Firearms, Hazardous Materials, Bloodborne Pathogens, CPR, Officer Safety, How to Render Aid Under Gunfire, Juvenile Justice Issues, Ethics, Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse, Active Shooter Response, Citizens with Firearms, 2024 Legal Update, and 2024 Legislative Update.

Officers also sought training in other specialized areas such as Drug Recognition Expert, Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Radar, Intox, Criminal Investigations, Traffic Crash Investigations, and Instructor Training. During FY24 Lt. Jason Caulder completed the Administrative Officers Management Program (AOMP) at North Carolina State University. Lieutenants Washington and Gatling also began AOMP at the end of FY24 and will wrap up in the next few weeks. AOMP is a nationally recognized and respected program for law enforcement leaders.

During FY24, the department-initiated body cam live streaming for officers and dispatchers, allowing them to view each other’s cameras that are on and recording to increase officer safety. License Plate Readers (LPRs) were activated in our dash cameras which has led to several arrests for various offenses. Virtual Reality Training has been initiated as well, allowing officers to receive more immersive training while on duty.

Pinehurst was also ranked the safest place to retire during FY24. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/25-safest-and-most-affordable-places-to-retire-across-america. According to Safewise.com, Pinehurst is the safest city
in North Carolina https://www.safewise.com/blog/safest-cities-north-carolina/.

Contributed/Courtesy graphics from Pinehurst.