Sandhills Community College announced the opening of The Robbins Center at 111 North Middleton Street in Robbins. The Center will serve as a classroom space for College and Career Readiness students.

“The convenient location of The Robbins Center will allow us to serve more students in the area who are unable to travel to our main campus in Pinehurst,” explained Isabel Cain, College and Career Readiness coordinator.

“College and Career Readiness (CCR) is a federal program tasked to serve those most in need of free adult education services in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,” said Nicole Worley, director of College and Career Readiness at Sandhills. “According to DataUSA, 53.6% of the Robbins population Hispanic or Latino and 39.4 percent is living at or below the poverty line. It is very important that we maintain a solid presence in the Robbins area.”

CCR classes include High School Equivalency (HSE) and English Language Acquisition (ELA). HSE classes are designed for adults who did not complete a high school education or who wish to strengthen skills before pursuing post-secondary education or employment. SCC currently offers official GED® and HiSET® testing services. ELA classes are for adults who have limited or no proficiency in the English language. 

High School Equivalency and English Language Acquisition evening classes have begun at The Robbins Center and day classes are set to begin on Monday, September 16. These classes are offered without cost and free transportation is provided to area residents. Those interested in learning more about the classes are asked to reach out to Isabel Cain at (910) 246-4975.

Classes were previously offered to northern Moore County residents at the James H. Garner Center in Westmoore. This Center had been used to conduct College and Career Readiness classes since 2010 when it was deeded to SCC by the NCDOT. Because the space and land was larger than needed, the college transferred ownership of it to the County of Moore and the building will be used for governmental offices and activities.

A Community Effort

“The relocation of classes didn’t happen overnight,” added Worley.” It took several weeks and many people to prepare the Middleton Street property and allow the college to continue to serve students throughout the transition.”

After receiving approval from the Robbins Board of Commissioners in July to operate a Continuing Education Center on Middleton Street, property owners Jarius, Diann, and Geraldine Garner made necessary renovations to the former Marley Attorney offices to help bring The Robbins Center to the Robbins and northern Moore County communities.

“We are so grateful to Father Javier Castrejón and the members of the San Juan Diego Mission Church in Robbins for hosting our classes this summer as The Robbins Center was being renovated,” stated Cain. “The Robbins Library also provided space for students to meet for evening classes.”

“We are looking forward to being a part of the downtown Robbins community and continuing to make friends of neighbors as we have with the San Juan Diego Church and Robbins Library,” said Cain.


Courtesy photo/Contributed.

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