Southern Pines Elementary shifts to remote learning

As a result of multiple classroom/group quarantines and several confirmed and suspected cases of secondary classroom transmission of the COVID-19 virus, and based on the recommendation of Southern Pines Elementary School Principal Tonya Wagner and Chief Officer of Academics and Student Support Services Tim Locklair, and with the support of the Moore County Health Department, Superintendent Grimesey is shifting Southern Pines Elementary to remote learning for all students for two weeks beginning on Monday, January 25 through Friday, February 5.

Students and staff will return to face-to-face instruction on Monday, February 8. Students and teachers will remain at home during this time, and classroom instruction will continue remotely.

Teachers and instructional staff who are able to will telework. Essential staff, including custodians, kitchen staff, administrators and office staff will report to school each day.  

During this shift to virtual learning, meals will be distributed curbside in the bus parking lot from 9:30-11:30 a.m. each school day.  When you enter the campus at the front of the building, continue straight ahead to go to the back of the school.  Distribution will take place at the sidewalk by the cafeteria. 

Meals will be also distributed by bus transportation at 11 a.m. each school day at the Brookside Apartments on Fire Lane and Longleaf Apartments on S. Mechanic Street.

