Moore County Schools Superintendent Dr. Bob Grimesey announced his retirement effective Feb. 1.
In his retirement letter to the school district, Grimesey said he is retiring from Moore County Schools and from the public education profession after nearly four decades.
“While the historical record tempts me to reflect on our shared accomplishments during the past seven-plus years, I am only mindful of the shared moments, memories, and passions,” Grimesey said in the letter. “Being with you, either in person or in spirit, during inspiring times and sad times. Being joyful and laughing with you. Bearing witness to your expertise and your devotion. Sharing ideas with you. Solving problems with you. Being a co-servant with you in this noble cause called ‘public education.’ Embracing with you the privilege of serving thousands of the brightest, most creative, most talented, most generous and most beautiful students I have experienced in my entire 38 -plus-year career.”
Grimesey said he is looking forward to helping the school board transition to a new superintendent.Â
Libby Carter, chair of the school board, said in a statement that the first step in filling Grimesey’s shoes is “the discussion of the selection process, consultation with Board attorney, and formulation of the steps we must employ.”
The board will explore the idea of the use of an interim or acting superintendent until the school district can find a replacement.
Carter said, “Dr. Grimesey has shown Moore County what strong and effective leadership can accomplish, and we are grateful that because of him, our schools rank among the top within our state. He has led with dignity and grace and offered a transparency on school issues that will be difficult to match.”