Cameron man arrested for child sex crimes

Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields announced an arrest following an investigation in the Cameron area of Moore County.

Between May 14 and June 27, the Moore County Sheriff’s Office received two reports of sexual abuse of minor children that occurred in Cameron. The alleged abuse was reported to have occurred over a period of years preceding the allegations.

On July 1, sheriff’s investigators arrested Justen Waegner, 29, of Cameron, in connection with the incidents. “When approached by investigators, Waegner refused arrest and attempted to flee on foot but was quickly apprehended,” said Fields in a press release. A sheriff’s office vehicle sustained minor damage during the arrest.

Waegner was charged with one count of felony first-degree forcible rape, one count of felony second-degree forcible rape, six counts of felony sex offenses with a child, one count of indecent liberties with a child, one count of resisting a public officer, and one count of injury to property. Waegner was committed to the Moore County Detention Center without bond pending an appearance in Moore County District Court on July 24.

All defendants facing criminal charges are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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Via Moore County Sheriff’s Office.

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