Carthage seeks citizen input on Christmas parade

Carthage Town Manager Thomas Robinson reported that revenue is down, but taxes and utilities will not increase. The Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget passed at the June 15 board of commissioners meeting. The downward spiral of revenue is expected to continue, but developers are making moves in the small town.

Lane East is in a contract with other partners to purchase Little River Golf and Resort off Highway 15-501. The resort closed its golf courses in Feb. 2019. The condominiums are still open and so is the restaurant, Filly and Colts.

Another developer wants to create three or four different types of housing developments by expanding Savannah Gardens. The housing development began in 2006 and offers modest priced homes. There will be a discussion later, but Robinson said to keep in mind that Carthage is not a large city, and a conservative growing pace is needed.

A hearing date for Carthage Place Apartments was set for July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the McDonald Building. The proposed 66 unit will have one, two, and three bedroom apartments and six to 13 handicapped apartments. It will not be Section 8 Housing, but it will have income restrictions. The nearby stream will not be disturbed, and the development plans include a clubhouse, covered picnic area, playground and fenced dumpster area.

The police department was reported to be in good shape. Officers had a pay increase and receive a variety of training developed by the state. Training includes handling domestic violence calls, restraining methods, youth support, and gang-related training.

In new business, a proposal to keep an Econoline ambulance passed. A new planning board member was accepted and so were reappointments of board members.

The next board meeting is scheduled for July 20.

Written by Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers.