It’s time for a Pinehurst Christmas decoration contest

The Village of Pinehurst Beautification Committee invites Pinehurst residents and businesses to participate in its Christmas decorating contest: A Pinehurst Christmas. The contest is open to two categories: single-family residences and businesses in Pinehurst, said the Village in a press release. Prizes will be awarded in both categories.

Interested participants can enter the contest at and look for the Pinehurst Christmas image at the top (link found here). Forms must be submitted by noon on Monday, Dec. 16. Judging will take place on Thursday, Dec. 19, after dark.

Decorations must be outside for public view and must be visible at night. Entries from gated communities cannot be accepted.

Entry must be either a single-family residence or a business located in Pinehurst.

Entrants agree the Village of Pinehurst may publish winners’ names and addresses.

Feature photo: A 2018 winner.

Contributed article and photo.