Moped driver airlifted in Southern Pines wreck

On Saturday evening, a traffic accident involving a moped occurred on Morganton Road. The driver had to be airlifted for medical attention. The two-vehicle accident occurred just after 6 p.m.

A moped and car collided at the traffic light on Morganton Road, just before you cross the bridge from downtown Southern Pines.

The victim’s injuries were evaluated by paramedics who deemed it necessary for them to receive treatment at a trauma center. As a result, a medevac was requested.

Tarheel 2 landed at Memorial Park near the accident. The patent was then transported to UNC Hospitals for care. The victim’s condition is unknown at this time.

The driver of the car did not sustain any injuries.

Southern Pines Police Department was on the scene and investigating the exact cause of the accident.

Feature photo: Tar Heel 2 prepares to transport a patient to UNC Hospitals after a moped and car collide on Morganton Road in Southern Pines on Saturday, July 29.

Sandhills_Sentinel~Article and photo by Sandhills Sentinel Publisher B.J. Goodridge.