There are new flags proudly flying in front of the Southern Pines Police Department thanks to an observant gentleman.

Mr. Taws with Fletcher Industries noticed the department’s flags were weather tattered and did something about it.  Taws dropped off two new flags to replace the old ones.

“Thank you Mr. Taws with Fletcher Industries for dropping off a new American Flag and a North Carolina state flag for the Southern Pines Police Department,” announced the police department on social media.

Photos courtesy of Southern Pines Police Department

The Southern Pines Police Department said “The old flags were properly folded and deposited into the flag disposal box located at the Southern Pines Fire Department where they will be properly disposed.”

The new flags are currently at half staff until Friday’s sunset in honor of the Rocky Mount Police Officer who recently died in the line of duty.

Feature photo: Chief Temme and Officer Moore hanging the new American flag from Mr. Taws of Fletcher Industries.


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