The Pinehurst Fire Department recently held its annual holiday dinner and recognition ceremony, recognizing firefighters for accomplishments over the past year such as years of service, new certifications, and awarded degrees.
Fire Chief Carlton Cole recognized each firefighter individually and the department’s command staff presented insignia ribbons for their uniforms.
Those being recognized for their accomplishments over the past year were: Josh Anliker, Adam Coles, Matt English, Bill Jackson, Chris King, Jay Kramer, Jonathan Luck, Austin Majors, J.R. McLaughlin, Eric Nall, Ethan Owens, Chuck Presley, Tony Reynolds, J.R. Southers, John Warren, Michael Waschsen, Josh Womack, and Johnny Yarborough.
“The Village is fortunate to have such dedicated and professional firefighters in each and every member of the Fire Department,” Chief Cole said. “These ribbons recognize completion of the identified tasks and for each one completed there’s another in the works.” Cole added, “Your efforts are what make us a high-performing, outstanding organization.”
In addition, Josh Anliker was recognized as the Pinehurst Fire Department’s 2018 Chief Robert S. Viall Firefighter of the Year. A co-worker nominated Anliker, and he was selected for the award by an external committee.
The award is named after Robert Viall, who served for many years as Chief of the Pinehurst Fire Department.
According to Chief Cole, “The department is fortunate to have a group of firefighters who are always willing to use their skills and abilities to better the department and serve the community. It is difficult to select just one to receive special recognition, but Firefighter Anliker is well-deserving of the award.”
Feature photo of Josh Anliker courtesy of Village of Pinehurst.