The Southern Pines Police Department is scheduled for a virtual site-based assessment from March 22-24, 2021 as part of a program to achieve accreditation by verifying the Department meets professional standards. A team of assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA) will examine all aspects of the Southern Pines Police Department’s policy and procedures, management, operations and support services.
Assessor verification is a process used to ensure the Southern Pines Police Department meets the Commission’s state-of-the-art standards in retaining its accreditation, a highly cherished recognition of law enforcement provisional excellence.
The Southern Pines Police Department received its initial Accreditation by CALEA in 2011 and reaccreditations in 2014 and 2017. As part of the 2021 site-based assessment, agency employees and members of the community are invited to offer comments at either a public information session or a phone call-in session.
The public information session will be on March 22, 2021 starting at 4:00 p.m. The location of the public information session will be at the Southern Pines Police Department facility in the C. Michael Haney Community Room located at 450 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Southern Pines, North Carolina. The Community Room will be set up to accommodate a minimum of a 6-foot social distance between participants. A maximum of 10 participants will be allowed in the Community Room at one time. The assessment team can also be contacted during the call-in session on March 23, 2021 starting at 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. at 910-692-2732 Ext. 7.
Speakers and callers commenting are limited to 10 minutes and must address the agency’s ability to comply with CALEA’s standards. If you would like to request information about specific standards, you may do so at the Southern Pines Police Department Accreditation Office (450 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Southern Pines, North Carolina), or by emailing Bill List, Accreditation Manager for the Southern Pines Police Department at [email protected].
Persons wishing to offer their written comments about the Southern Pines Police Department’s ability to meet the standards for accreditation are requested to write to: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) at 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320 Gainesville, VA 20155
Accreditation is for four years, during which time the agency must submit annual reports, and participate in annual remote web-based assessments attesting continued compliance with those standards under which it was initially accredited.
For more information regarding the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), please visit the CALEA website at