Ritter won't run for reelection

Moore County Commissioners released their May 15, 2018 regular meeting highlights.  
~ Recognized Public Safety staff and fire/rescue departments that participated in successful
resuscitation of cardiac arrest patients.

~ Approved on consent agenda:  minutes, tax releases/refunds, budget amendments, pre‐audit
certification requirements for electronic obligations and payments, Area I elementary school
capital project ordinance revision 1, Area I elementary school electrical easement agreement,
lease/purchase of Chromebooks for 2018‐19 school year, fire service agreement with Cypress
Pointe Fire and Rescue, update to Moore County Transportation System Safety Plan.

~ Called a public hearing on June 5, 2018, at 5:30pm to consider amendments to the Moore
County Road Naming and Addressing Ordinance to add four roads to the ordinance.

~ Approved construction agreement with Sandhills Contractors, Inc. for a new exterior walkway
and stairs to connect the upper and lower parking lots of the Rick Rhyne Public Safety Center.

~ Approved contract with Carolina Coastal Appraisers in the amount not to exceed $80,016 for
2019 tax revaluation support.

~ Approved amendment to Judy D. Brooks Contractor, Inc. contract for mulch removal and
composting, increasing contract by $16,000.

~ Approved amendment to Grace Paving contract for additional paving for new water and sewer
services across paved streets, increasing the contract by $15,500.

~ Approved revised capital project ordinance for the Vass Phase 2 Wastewater Collection System
Expansion Project and approved amendment to the agreement with McGill Associates for the

~ Approved resolution requesting the NC General Assembly to deannex the Pinesage
development from the Town of Taylortown.

~ Approved contract with Data Max Corporation to collect past due and delinquent ambulance
fees from non‐Moore County residents.

~ Approved resolution for the adoption of insurance district boundaries in the unincorporated
portion of Moore County for fire protection.

~ Appointed Larry Coe and Patricia Loving as ETJ members of the Town of Cameron Planning